西陆文学网体验夏季清凉新感觉 地理中国:哈尔滨湿地游-黑龙江精彩人生

体验夏季清凉新感觉 地理中国:哈尔滨湿地游-黑龙江精彩人生
盛夏来临,清风习习。乘船游览一湖三岛,尽享俄罗斯田园风光赵奎贤 ,欣赏河口日出日落、渔歌唱晚释小虎 ,观看湿地实景演出,夜游太阳岛,体验沙滩野浴、水上集市、湿地垂钓观鸟、品尝皇家贡鱼宴。日前,哈尔滨旅游局推出太阳岛湿地等多处湿地景观联系方式数学周报。旅游频道记者为网友介绍一下哈尔滨8大精品湿地景区童秀娟 。The summer is coming and the wind is blowing. Take a boat tour of one lake and three islands, enjoy the Russian idyllic scenery剑阁天气预报 , enjoy the sunrise and sunset of the estuary, the fishing song and the evening, watch the live performance of the wetland, visit the Sun Island at night, experience the beach, water bazaar, wetland fishing bird watching青瓜炒蛋 , and taste the Royal tribute banquet. A few days ago, Harbin Tourism Bureau launched several wetland landscape links such as Sun Island wetland. The tourist channel reporter introduces Harbin's 8 top quality wetland scenic spots for netizens.
哈尔滨市湿地具有得天独厚的生态资源,现有湿地面积12.5万公顷闲林职高 ,包括太阳岛湿地、金河湾湿地、滨江湿地、呼兰河口湿地、伏尔加庄园、白鱼泡湿地等多处自然湿地景观。随着哈市在保护湿地的前提下综合利用湿地景观价值曼妮芬官网 ,开展湿地生态旅游的推广,哈尔滨借助湿地文化开展“哈尔滨松花江湿地旅游文化节”等活动dnf幻爵 ,吸引更多的游客浏览湿地景色。
Harbin wetland has a unique ecological resources西陆文学网 不爱纪 , the existing wetland area of 125 thousand hectares, including the Sun Island wetland江行无题 , the Golden River Bay Wetland, Binjiang wetland, Hulan estuarine wetland, Volga manor, white fish soak wetland and other natural wetland landscape. With the comprehensive utilization of wetland landscape value and the promotion of wetland ecotourism李梦蝶 , Harbin has carried out the "Harbin Songhua River Wetland Tourism Culture Festival" with the help of wetland culture to attract more tourists to browse the wetland landscape.
1. Sun Island wetland culture and intoxication nature.

Visitors can take a hike in the national first 5A scenic Sun Island or take an electric car to visit the landscape in the sun island, take a cruise to visit the the Bund wetland, the one lake and three islands and other scenic spots龙五爷 , and take part in the activities of the lawn wedding, the Sun Island international beer City gourmet festival, the night tour Sun Island and so on.
2. Gold River Bay Wetland - romantic harbor, golden beach.
Jin Hewan wetland

可以游览一岛、二滩、三岗、四园、五池、六洲鹿角虫 ,以及天池、连理林、“铁锚”广场等景点逮捕小逃妻 ,在有“小三亚”之称的沙滩野浴、体验沙滩排球,还可以乘船游览阳明滩炫音社 。
You can visit one island, two beaches, three posts一秒的安慰 , four gardens,陈尊佑 five pools and six continents贺中平 , as well as Tianchi, Lian Lilin, iron anchor square and other scenic spots. They can also take a boat tour of Yangming beach with a beach field bath called "small Sanya" and a beach volleyball experience.
作者:admin 2015年11月06日